Starting with Miami 2.1 and MiamiSSL (see the separate announcements on the Miami mailing list or on my web page), new keyfiles (version 2) for registered users are supported. The upgrade from the old keyfile format to the new keyfiles is FREE OF CHARGE for ALL registered users. At the moment the new keyfiles are only needed if you want to use MiamiSSL (Secure Socket Layer, see the separate announcements on the Miami mailing list or on my web page). If you just want to use Miami 2.1 (without MiamiSSL) then you do NOT need to upgrade your keyfiles yet. In particular, if you are currently using Miami 2.0n or earlier then you can just download Miami 2.1, install it "over" your old Miami installation, and continue to use your old keyfiles. You do NOT have to revert to "unregistered operation" to upgrade your keyfiles. However Miami 2.1 is the LAST version to support the old keyfile format, and the NEXT version of Miami WILL NEED the new keyfiles, so if you plan on continuing to upgrade Miami then you SHOULD upgrade your keyfiles to the new format some time after installing Miami 2.1, before the next version of Miami is released. The "About" window of Miami 2.1 tells you which keyfile version you have (1 for old, 2 for new). I started shipping keyfiles in the new format on April 21st, 1997 to new registered users. If Miami 2.1 tells you that your keyfile version is "2" then you DO NOT need to upgrade. If you still have the old format then you can upgrade to the new format by executing the fourth step in MiamiRegister (from the Miami 2.1 archive): "Upgrade keyfiles from Miami < 2.1". The program explains how the upgrade takes place. It is very similar to the procedure for your initial registration, and you will have to wait for an email response from me to get your new keyfile. In the meantime you can use Miami 2.1, but not MiamiSSL, with your old keyfiles. -- Holger Kruse